Kayo Precon Blitz Deck

Type: LSS Precon - Heavy Hitters
Sale price$18.00 SGD
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The smell hits you first. Blood… Sweat… Steel… Feral crowds roar loud as the thumping in your chest. You step into the arena, hot sand billowing at your feet. Drinks are poured, wagers are made, weapons are drawn…

Gold and glory is yours for the taking… If you survive the Deathmatch Arena!

Heavy Hitters brings the biggest, strongest, hardest hitting fun to Flesh and Blood gaming tables yet! Featuring six heroes across Brute, Guardian, and Warrior classes, crossover hybrid cards, and more weapons and equipment than any draftable set before, the number of options for how you bring your fight to the arena are huge!

Kayo Armed and Dangerous

Kayo's journey has spiraled into a whirlwind of madness and brutal chaos. Each life-or-death confrontation has taken its toll, stripping away both flesh and bone, forging him into a wild, unrelenting beast.

Hunting a formidable creature in the Badlands, Kayo found himself on the brink of death after a fierce clash with the prized prey. The Deathmatch Arena, seizing the opportunity, took him captive. Now, from within the confinements of the arena's cages, Kayo has emerged—a crazed, savage force unleashed to challenge and test the mettle of the Arena's fighters.

In every deadly contest, Kayo exhibits the fierce tenacity of a bloodthirsty feral animal. Despite being repeatedly on the back foot, he rises from defeat, each setback fueling his crazed savagery and rendering him even more dangerous. Kayo has become the Underdog of the Arena, a fighter perpetually at a disadvantage, yet one who refuses to surrender, forever embracing the chaos and the brutal unpredictability of his existence.


40 cards, plus hero, weapon, and equipment cards, per deck.

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