Ira, Crimson Haze Precon Blitz Deck

Type: LSS Precon - TCC
Sale priceHK$108.00
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Legend Story Studios is proud to team up with The Professor, one of the world’s leading advocates of social gaming, to get you Round the Table enjoying great games with your friends, family, and fellow gamers.

Ira, Crimson Haze

Ira is the bridge between learning Flesh and Blood and sitting Round the Table for your first fun-flowing game of Ultimate Pit Fight.

Ira Welcome Decks are the best way to learn the basics of Flesh and Blood. We are excited to reveal a new and improved Ira Welcome Deck interactive tutorial that makes it easier than ever to play your first game of Flesh and Blood!


40 cards, plus hero, weapon, and equipment cards, per deck.

- Rainbow Foil Young Hero
- Class Specific Weapon
- Basic Equipment Set

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