For ten thousand years our ancestors have walked the path well traveled.
Like the tiger stalking its prey... They have waited.
Like the snake hiding in the murky water... They have waited.
Like the waning faces of the moon... They have waited.
Until now.
The truth lies beyond the mist.
Date and Time
26 May, Sunday, 10am
Entry Fee
*For every armory joined in January, you will get $1 off for the prerelease entry fee.
If you joined all 4 events (1, 8, 15, 22 May), an additional $1 off will be applied.
Rebate will be processed on the prerelease day.
Part the Mistveil Sealed Deck (8 Packs)
Each player receives a Part the Mistveil 10-card pre-release pack which includes:
1 random equipment (Rainbow Foil) Promo Card (14 different variants)
1 random Chakra (Cold Foil) Promo Card (3 different variants)
2 ?????? (Rainbow Foil Extended Art) Promo Cards
6 Token Cards
Additional Prizes